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Sep 24, 2019

Episode 2 – Mystery of Relationship

Intro: God as the Great Connector

  • mystery to God’s connecting work
  • the gift of God’s connecting work


Know and Being Known

Genesis 1

Genesis 2:18-25 – the creation of marriage, not just marriage

Knowing with God

  • the connection of grace to knowing – forgiveness, questions, confessing our stuff, telling him our difficult emotions and pain
  • What could we ask God if we had no shame before Him?

Knowing with our Family and Friends

  • Is there anyone you feel you can be your true self with and still be loved and accepted?
  • What does that relationship look like that helps us know we are known and it’s that place of acceptance and grace?

Knowing in the Church

  • God’s idea for giving us a place to be known and be safe
  • How do we know each other in the church than in the people of God differently outside of that?
  • What depth should there be in the relationship of believers?
  • How do we build up that knowing in the Body of Christ?

How does hiding (Genesis 3) impact knowing?




The difference between Known and Safe

Safety in development

Safety within the home

Safety in knowing we aren’t alone in belief, being honest with what isn’t safe in the church


Podcast Question – What is a relationship that has influenced you?

My mom -Looking at the process of relationship