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Oct 24, 2023

How do I help my loved one when they are sad?


Differences in sadness and sorrow definition

relationship to distress and emotion regulation


Elevated, heavy feelings – sadness, guilt, remorse/regret, powerlessness

-       Time oriented, long suffering, pain taking time

-       Death, change, trauma, heartbreak, injustice, loss, disappointment, bad luck, trouble


Consider the moments when someone becomes aware of something challenging

No fixing

acknowledgement goes a long way

let these emotions be a process

let people’s emotions, including our own be complicated and layered

let it be seen by God with someone

invite that person into regular life things


2 Corinthians 1:3-4, God of all comforts, God of all, but especially of comfort

Psalm 18:6-8, God’s anger at what makes us sad or hurt


