Apr 10, 2019
ILMS 22 – Altogether Beautiful: Middle Schoolers and Teens
Altogether Beautiful Identity
Concept of the Sense of Self
They are asking: What are my personal values and beliefs? What are my goals? What are my ideas? Can I share them?
Ask: What they think about a current event? A big topic?
Build trust by...
Apr 4, 2019
ILMS 20 – Ministry Talks: Friendship and Ministry
1 Samuel 14:1-7 - Jonathan and his armor bearer
Step One of Friendship: Prayer
Step Two: Admitting friendship isn’t easy
Friendship will continue to be a challenge as long as we walk the earth
- God = relational, Genesis 2:25
- Satan likes isolation
- dual...
Apr 4, 2019
ILMS 21 – YA: Brought
The best way to make sense of God’s work in destruction is to remember what He is done and Who He is.
Psalm 46:8-9
Come, behold the works of the Lord,
how he has brought desolations on the
He makes wars cease to the end of the earth;
he breaks the bow and shatters...