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Aug 1, 2018

Ministry Talks 1 Intro

Welcome to a new series from I Love My Shepherd - Ministry Talks!


Are you in part-time or full- time ministry? Do you have a ministry degree or background? Is your husband or your wife in ministry?


This video series is intended to share insights around the Word about the unique joys, as well...

Aug 1, 2018

Ministry Talks 2 – Intersections of the Ministry House

Foundations for our homes

Psalm 127:1 – No labor you do is in vain. The Lord is at work- in your home, your ministry, and anywhere you are in your community.


1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Do ministry in “God’s House,” the church, but also in the other areas of...

Aug 1, 2018

Ministry Talks 3 – Church Work Children

Opening the conversation for our children and families about church work and faith life


Church as a Safe Place

  • Developmentally children have a hard time with abstract concepts of grace, mercy, and the big ideas we want them to learn
  • We teach them in many ways around the Word...

Aug 1, 2018

Ministry Talks 4 – Freedom in Ministry


Foundations for Freedom in this life:

Galatians 5:1

John 10:10


Roadblocks to Freedom in Ministry Life

Status v. Weakness

Forgetting the Sinner/Saint duality


Our Worth

“God’s Will”


What expectations have you felt the weight of in ministry?



Aug 1, 2018

Ministry Talks 5 – Discouragement in Ministry


Where have you felt discouragement in life? In the Christian walk? In ministry?


The power of normalizing and naming it

- Discouragement is normal and not shameful

- Apostle Paul and discouragement

John 16:33

 ESV - tribulation

 NIV – trials and sorrows

 Greek =...