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Feb 15, 2018


ILMS 46 – Written in Iron Ink: Weight loss

Special Guest: Sara Borgstede from The Holy Mess


Job 19


Sara’s story -

the importance of therapy

Weight Watchers or other accountability program

10 years maintaining, changing habits, and beginning to...

Feb 8, 2018

ILMS 45 – Practical Tools for Anxiety

*This podcast is not a replacement for local mental health resources. Please seek counseling or other local resources you have available to address any mental health concern.


4 Part Anxiety Series:

Episode 42 – Distinguishing Fear, Worry, and Anxiety

Episode 43 - Defining...

Feb 1, 2018

ILMS 44 – Developing a Theology of Anxiety

*This podcast is not a replacement for local mental health resources. Please seek counseling or other local resources you have available to address any mental health concern.


4 Part Anxiety Series:

Episode 42 – Distinguishing Fear, Worry, and Anxiety

Episode 43 - Defining...