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Oct 28, 2017

I Love My Shepherd 33 – Chasing Freedom YA Bonus 6: Be gone Backpack: Old Yokes, New Yokes, No Yokes


How do you feel about backpacks? What kind of bag do you carry around? What is in it?


Galatians 5:1

  • Cover some old yokes we make important
  • Cover some new yokes we turn to as we mature
  • Getting rid of the yokes,...

Oct 27, 2017

I Love My Shepherd 32 – Chasing Freedom Audio Bonus 6: Restoring Grace

Let’s end this study on some Grace, just as Paul ends the book of Galatians.


How do we bring grace into our homes?

How do we bring grace into our families?

How do we end conversations with grace?

How do we begin and end the day in...

Oct 21, 2017

I Love My Shepherd 31 – Chasing Freedom YA Bonus 5:

YA Bonus – Someone gave something up for your freedom

Which topics, religions, world problems, life problems cause you to wonder if Christianity is the right path?

Do you believe Jesus is the only way? Why or why not?

God gives us answers in the Bible, it's Truth...

Oct 20, 2017

I Love My Shepherd 30 – Chasing Freedom Audio Bonus 5: Freedom to walk loved

What fruits of the Spirit do you struggle with, if any?


Galatians 5:22-26


Fruits of the Spirit v. Fruits of myself

  • Fruits from Christ - Romans 8:38-39 – nothing separate us from Christ’s love, that love is planted in us
  • Noticing the...

Oct 14, 2017


I Love My Shepherd 29 – Chasing Freedom YA Bonus 4: Freedom isn’t all about you

What is the difference in God being willing to die for each of us individually and God dying for the whole world? How is it possible both are true at the same time?

John 10:10

Galatians 4:7, 31

What things can we become enslaved to in...