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Sep 10, 2019

Welcome to Season 3! 

Episode 1 – The Mighty Mystery of God


4 Episode series:

The Mighty Mystery of God

The Mighty Mystery of Relationships

The Mighty Mystery of Prayer

The Mighty Mystery of the Church


Episode Design- this mystery’s impact on our relationship with God, our relationship with others, and our relationships within the church


Mystery of God 101

It’s time to become OK with questions.

God is not deceptive.

God is mighty. He is bigger than we are.


What is the impact of the mystery of God on my relationship with God?

The place of mightiness

The place of honesty

The place of control

The place of knowing


What is the impact of the mystery of God on my relationship with other people?

Conversation about creation and the Creator

Admitting we are uncomfortable, don’t know, or don’t understand


What is the impact of the mystery of God on my relationship with the community of the church?

Imagine if we could have an open place to ask our questions and admit we don’t have all the answers

We have to take off the masks of good and right and holy, so we can be ourselves and ask our questions


God is both powerful and personal. He doesn’t just have to fit in one box.

Is God in the &?


Colossians 3:11 – the ALL of Christ


The podcast question: What is a relationship that has influenced you?