Aug 1, 2018
Ministry Talks 2 – Intersections of the Ministry House
Foundations for our homes
Psalm 127:1 – No labor you do is in vain. The Lord is at work- in your home, your ministry, and anywhere you are in your community.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Do ministry in “God’s House,” the church, but also in the other areas of our lives. Ministry within our home is not “less than” ministry at church or with people from our churches/communities. Our families need us also and God works in that and calls it ministry.
1 Timothy 3:1-5 We do not have to “have it all together.”
God works in grace. He works in the prodigal children. He works in our mess-ups both in our homes and our ministries. What does it mean to manage a household well – studying the Word together, coming before Him in prayer and sorting it all out for your family together.
Systems Chart – Understanding all the places our lives intersect
Draw your house or a box to represent your house. Note around it all the interacting places and spaces that intersect in your life. Which ones bring energy and life to your family? Which ones are more of a challenge for you or your family members? Where are more boundaries needed? What places bring you joy?
More resources on family and ministry intersections…
Ben Freudenberg and the Concordia Center for the Family
Luther on parents’ ministry to children/family
Tweet: Ministry Talks, Episode 1 - The Intersections of the Ministry House... God is at work between our homes and our churches. Share your thoughts and comments about your ministry and family context!