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Jul 18, 2017

I Love My Shepherd 16 – Written in Iron Ink: Infant Loss

Special Guests – Rev. Geoffrey and Genevieve Wagner

In Memory of Sebastian


2 Samuel 12:15-23


Who pastors the pastor and his family when they are in need?

  • find a Father Confessor to be able to receive Christ's words of forgiveness from

  • also find fellow pastors and people who will share the Word of Hope with you in trial

  • pastor's wives and children also need people in the Body of Christ to support them


Helping your children process -

Older children giving space to be verbal and share

Younger children process through play


Grief and loss in your marriage -

  • spouses will process differently

  • people usually process in relation to their personality – internally process v externally process

  • being tender toward the way your spouse processes grief differently than you


Treasuring things in our hearts -

Luke 2:19

  • let your family know you are collecting up and valuing what they are saying and sharing as part of this experience


Impact of experience on others

  • the loss of broken expectations

  • the value of the support of the Body of Christ, the congregation and those in ministry around you

  • know that everyone around you has their own story of loss and we all process differently


Impact on the ministry

  • Satan likes darkness, so he likes struggle hidden

  • when we reveal our struggle to others, people come out of the woodwork with their own

  • death is real and imminent, but eternity is for us as believers also

  • the Gospel promise is heard in the womb

  • Don't hide your joy from those struggling or from those experiencing loss

  • Grief is an individual process, no judgement please!


Romans 10:17 – faith comes by hearing

Isaiah 55:10

Psalm 130

Psalm 139

1 Thessalonians 4:13



ESV Bible translation - Copyright © 2001 by Crossway,

a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

All rights reserved.

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