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Nov 26, 2019

Episode 6 – Lack (and Enough)

New series:
Episode 5: Vulnerability (and Boundaries)
Episode 6: Lack (and Enough)
Episode 7: Courage (and JOMO)

What is lack?

Lack can be real, but hyperawareness creates scarcity

Where do we see it in individuals, families, and the church? (and what's the result)
1 fear and shame

Nov 19, 2019

Episode 5 – Vulnerability (and Boundaries)

New series:
Episode 5: Vulnerability (and Boundaries)
Episode 6: Lack (and Enough)
Episode 7: Courage (and JOMO)

Definitions - the good, bad, and ugly

New definition:
Brene Brown, Daring Greatly (affiliate link)

Vulnerability mantra or...